Integrales Forum

Planetary Awakening 2.0 is the topic of this years IEC. Integrales Forum is pleased to be on site with an information table in the lobby, a workshop and a thematic contribution on shadow work in organizations.

The Purpose of Integrales Forum is the promotion of integral thinking and integrative action, in the sense of the basic integral theories of Ken Wilber and other integral thinkers. As most information on this site is in German this post for IEC attendees is about considering to connect with, contribute to or join in Integrales Forum.

As the conference progresses, we will expand the information here. Please check back often.


... directly with the team present at IEC: Caroline Winning, Daniela Borschel, Ralf Adam and Raymond Fismer [link to contact information]

... stay informed by subscribing to the IF-Newsletter [link] or following us on facebook and instagram


... with volunteering [link]

... in sponoring the whole or key projects [link]


... as suporting member [link]

... as member actively take on a described role or ongoing activities [link]



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Kontakt Integrales Forum

Integrales Forum e.V.
Lüdemannweg 30
Geschäftsstelle c/o Raymond Fismer
D-28865 Lilienthal

Telefon: +49 (0)4298 4392
E-Mail: info(at)

Kontaktverzeichnis zu allen Rollen
und Kreisen [Link]

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